Jarrah Honey: A unique Natural Wonder




Jarrah honey, often hailed as “healing honey” or “liquid gold,” is a rare and exceptional honey variety. It is exclusively produced by bees from the nectar of Jarrah trees (Eucalyptus marginata), native to the pristine forests of southwestern Western Australia. The distinctiveness of Jarrah honey lies in its scarcity and remarkable properties.


  • Scarcity and Uniqueness: Jarrah honey is a rarity due to several factors. Firstly, Jarrah trees flower sporadically, with individual trees only producing flowers for a few months every four years. These flowering periods are not synchronized, resulting in beekeepers expecting a commercial harvest only every two years. Additionally, annual natural and controlled bushfires in the Jarrah Forests delay the flowering of affected trees for 4-5 years, further limiting honey production. Finally, climate change has led to reduced rainfall in the region, impacting nectar production. 


 High Total Activity (TA): Jarrah honey boasts a High Total Activity (TA), endowing it with numerous beneficial properties:

    • Antimicrobial Activity: Jarrah honey exhibits over double the antimicrobial activity of other medicinal honeys, making it a potential remedy for sore throats.
    • Antibacterial Activity: Its viscosity creates a barrier against infection, helping maintain a moist wound. Hydrogen peroxide content aids in bacterial control and promotes skin regeneration.
    • Antifungal Activity: Studies indicate its effectiveness against Candida species.

 Gut Health and Prebiotics: Considered an excellent prebiotic, Jarrah honey contains oligosaccharides and high-order carbohydrates that nourish beneficial gut bacteria. It promotes the production of Butyric Acid (BTA), a potent anti-inflammatory compound linked to reduced colon cancer risk. It can also alleviate mouth ulcers and bad breath associated with stomach bacteria like Helicobacter pylori.


  • Glycemic Index (GI): Jarrah honey’s unique fructose-to-glucose ratio results in a low GI, making it suitable in moderation for diabetics. Low GI foods can help reduce insulin response and improve cholesterol levels, making it advantageous for endurance and athletic training.


  • Antioxidants: Honey serves as a valuable source of antioxidants, combating free radicals that harm healthy cells. Jarrah honey’s dark color indicates its high content of phytochemical antioxidants, surpassing Manuka honey in this regard. This makes it a potential natural anti-aging treatment that supports cell renewal.

Please remember to consult your healthcare professional before using honey for any medicinal purposes. Jarrah honey, with its unique qualities, represents a precious and beneficial addition to your health and wellness regimen.